Become a Parenting Coach
A Certified Yancha Guide
Every parent wants the best for their child. Research shows that Love for a child is natural, but parenting is Learned. How do you learn about parenting? What is the end goal of developing a child? Is the parent capable of guiding the child across developmental transitions? Is providing and protecting the child enough?
In the absence of any structured program, Parents tend to rely on the way they were brought up or do what others are doing. While the intent is to do good, these options do not work and subject the children to enormous pressure. Added to it is the stress due to external environment, expectations and highly competitive admission process.
Parents too are often at a loss on how to handle this ever-evolving scenario, as there is no structured parenting program that helps them develop the children all the way from 4 - 21 years. Yancha Social experiments shows that Mentor or Parent are the most essential element in the development of the child in the early years and that lays the foundation for the later years. This is corroborated with established research as well.
While the schools focus on cognitive development and academic inputs based on a defined syllabus; Life skills, character, values, beliefs and mindsets development is left unattended or to chance. When left unaddressed, this manifests into roadblocks to the development process and creates performance issues later in life as well. Parents in their zest to provide a fair chance for success to their children and push them through endless tuition classes, which further stresses the child.
Parenting and child development is a symbiotic association and a transformative experience for the child and the family. Yancha – a one of its kind developmental program that brings out the uniqueness in every child and helps them achieve their potential. The holistic development of the child requires Parents - School/College - Students to work together.
Classical approaches like the parables (e.g. Hare and Tortoise story) or Inspirational stories (e.g. Alexander the Great) help in understanding Moral values and exceptional acts carried out by individuals. These are nice to know, but does not develop the behaviours of the children. Behavioural development requires understanding the environment the child faces at home, school and external influences, and then developing the child from within to align strengths and interests. It requires the child to overcome fear and unleash self to achieve the positive outcome.
At Yancha, we set out to address this and have focussed on child development, at home, school, college and parenting. Our offerings encompass the entire spectrum and continuity of the development process of the child from 4 - 21 years. We work with schools, colleges and parents through the crucial journey of raising a child to reach full potential.
The Yancha interventions are structured as self-guided programs with workbooks, interactive programs with relevant scenarios, storytelling, games and inputs that are wrapped around the constructs of human development and child psychology. These develop the capabilities in the child and help parents in steering their child to achieve success and their full potential.
The Yancha Interventions are delivered by Parenting Coaches, known as Yancha Guides, who are certified by the Yancha Academy, after completion of the Training and Certification program. As a Certified Parenting coach, A Yancha Guide you can deliver this program to your audience.
The Parenting Coach – Yancha Guide Program Objectives
By the end of the Program, you will be able to:
- Explore the symbiotic association between child development and parenting
- Understand the Yancha Approach and the rationale
- Apply the construct of Observe – Understand – Engage – Evolve; and Understand – Discuss – Create – Evolve; to various situations
- Describe the underlying concepts of child development and apply them to situations
- Explain the Yancha offerings to parents, schools and colleges
- Deliver the Yancha interventions
- Empower parents, guardians to enable child create a path to accomplishment and full potential
Program Sequence
- Go through the 10 Yancha videos
- Read the book Mans Search for Meaning – Viktor E Frankl
- Go through the Certification – cursory glance
- Study the Yancha Website
- Go through the PPT – Lessons and Learning; click on the links in the notes pages to read more about the concepts being covered
- Go through the stories – Adi comics and Teens scenarios
- Study Yancha research document
- Think about developing children having gone through so much of research and behaviour analysis, and apply to your own situation
- Undertake the certification process
Program contents
Self study videos
- What is Yancha
- Why is it Needed
- Challenges of parenting – parents view
- Challenges of parenting – child’s view
- Understanding children
- Yancha 4 step approach
- Guiding child behaviour
- Evolving perspectives in Parents
- Being a Yancha Guide
- Running a Yancha Center
Self study presentations
- Lessons and learning for 26 Yancha Kids scenarios
- Lessons and learning for 21 Yancha Teens scenarios
- Nine parenting behaviours
- Behavioural concepts like conditioning, ABC analysis, Pygmalion effect, Multiple Intelligence Theory, Learning styles… in parenting situations
- In person discussions
- Application of concepts on handling adversity, addressing self-doubt, finding child’s areas of interests...
Program Duration
This program requires two days of contact sessions – in person or over digital platforms, and over 24 hours of self-study. Post that the participants are to appear for a certification test and on successful completion are awarded the certification.
Before attending the in-person session, participant to procure and go through the following:
- Yancha Initiation Program
- Yancha Game
- Yancha Awareness Kids
- Yancha Awareness Teens
- Yancha Transformation Kids – First session
- Yancha Transformation Teens – First session
These programs are to be purchased from the Yancha website.
- Discussion with Yancha founders
- Q&A session
- Writing the exam (open book) with 24 hours’ time limit
- Recertification after 2 years
Once certified the name would appear on the Yancha Website and will be valid for two years, subject to Yancha Guide Oath and Ethical conduct charter being met.
The Yancha Academy
The Yancha Academy is a virtual academy and the nodal certification agency for all the Yancha certification including the one for Parenting Coaches and Yancha Guides. This academy has seven key objectives:
- Carry out structured research and findings on parenting and child development
- Carry out social experiments
- Copyright and patent holder for Yancha
- Collaborate with other academies and centers for excellence
- Develop new programs, games
- Train, certify and re-certify the parenting Coaches
- Act as the SPOC for resolving any Yancha Guides queries
The key role holders in the Academy are:
- Interns and Researchers
- Yancha guides
- Master Trainers